Outdoor Sports garment Manufacturer Outdoor Clothing News Analysis of Down Jacket Warmth Keeping (Scientific Warmth Keeping Principles, Dressing Tips Revealed)

Analysis of Down Jacket Warmth Keeping (Scientific Warmth Keeping Principles, Dressing Tips Revealed)

Down jacket is a common warm jacket. Its thermal performance mainly comes from the unique structure and characteristics of down material. The following will analyze in detail the s…

Down jacket is a common warm jacket. Its thermal performance mainly comes from the unique structure and characteristics of down material. The following will analyze in detail the scientific thermal insulation principles of down jackets and share some dressing tips.

1. The thermal insulation principle of down material:

The thermal insulation principle of down material mainly depends on the fine cell structure of down and the relationship between velvet filaments. the air between. It is specifically divided into the following aspects:

– Down microcells: There are a large number of small and abundant cells in down, and these cells can maintain a certain air content. Air is a good insulator, so down can form an insulating layer through the air in the cells, preventing the conduction of heat.

– Air filling: The air in the down cells can be activated by the heat emitted by the body, further forming a warm air mass. These air masses are sealed between the velvet fibers, forming an efficient thermal insulation layer to prevent the intrusion of cold air from the outside while also reducing heat loss.

– Mutual support of down filaments: The down filaments form a stable structural network through the intersection and hooking of fibers. This network can maintain the fluffiness of down, allowing air to fully fill it and improve the warmth retention effect.

2. Dressing skills:

When wearing a down jacket, the following dressing skills can help further improve the warmth effect:


– Proper inner layer selection: In cold weather, it is important to choose underwear that is moisture-wicking and warm. High-quality underwear can help regulate body temperature and provide extra warmth.

– Layering: When wearing a down jacket as a jacket, you can layer a thin warm mid-layer, such as a sweater or a thermal shirt, between the underwear and the down jacket. This can increase the layer of warmth while also providing better breathability.

– Pay attention to protecting the head and hands: The head and hands are the parts of the human body that dissipate more heat. Wearing warm hats, scarves and gloves can prevent a lot of heat loss. Loss of heat.

– Pay attention to sealing: Down jackets are very good at keeping warm, but if the collar, cuffs, hem, etc. are not sealed well, cold air will still penetrate. Therefore, make sure that all openings fit snugly to prevent cold air from entering.

– Avoid excessive compression: Prolonged compression will cause down to lose its fluffiness and elasticity, thus affecting the warmth retention effect. Therefore, when storing or carrying down jackets, you should try to avoid excessive compression.

In summary, the thermal insulation principle of down jackets is mainly to form a thermal insulation layer through the small cells of the down material and the air between the filaments to prevent the conduction of heat. . In order to give full play to the thermal insulation effect of down jackets, we can pay attention to choosing the appropriate inner layer when dressing, wearing it in layers, protecting the head and hands, sealing and avoiding excessive compression. These dressing tips will help improve the thermal performance of down jackets, allowing us to stay warm and comfortable during the cold season.

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Author: clsrich
