Outdoor Sports garment Manufacturer Outdoor Clothing News Silk fabric mechanical finishing equipment-mechanical soft finishing equipment

Silk fabric mechanical finishing equipment-mechanical soft finishing equipment

Silk fabric mechanical finishing equipment-mechanical soft finishing equipment There are many methods for mechanical softening and finishing of silk fabrics. They can be lightly ro…

Silk fabric mechanical finishing equipment-mechanical soft finishing equipment

There are many methods for mechanical softening and finishing of silk fabrics. They can be lightly rolled on a single-roller finishing machine or lightly stretched on a tenter. A special mechanical softening finishing machine can also be used, as shown in Figure 10-32.

The main structure of the soft finishing machine is the upper and lower rows of silk rollers, usually 8 in the upper row and 9 in the lower row. There are two types of silk rollers: one is a hemispherical convex ball with a diameter of 10mm installed on the surface of a stainless steel guide roller; the other is a guide roller made of nylon plastic injection molded parts with a hemisphere with a diameter of 14mm on the surface. The fabric passes between the upper and lower rows of rubbing rollers to achieve the rubbing effect. The upper and lower rows of silk rollers are passively driven, and the lower row of silk rollers can be raised and lowered driven by a hydraulic device. The effect of soft finishing depends on the lifting and lowering amplitude of the fabric when passing through the rubbing roller and the number of times of rubbing. Generally, mechanical soft finishing can be completed after 3 to 4 reciprocating operations.

Recently, in order to meet people’s requirements for new, special and rare products, some manufacturers have introduced the Italian AIRO-1000 soft finishing machine, also known as air-flow fabric finishing machine. As shown in Figure 10-33, general softening finishing can be carried out, and chemical softening finishing can also be carried out. The machine consists of a processing tank, a horizontal cloth guide frame, a vertical cloth guide roller, a large cloth guide roller, a silk inlet, a venturi tube, a grid, a heat exchanger, a blower, a filter system, a hydraulic system, and a protective glass for the silk outlet roller. Composed of doors, etc. The fabric runs in the tube in a rope-like manner, in dry or wet state, at a high speed. When the fabric reaches the outlet of the venturi tube, the pressure suddenly decreases and the space increases suddenly, causing the fabric to loosen and expand, and quickly hits the stainless steel grid at the rear of the machine. Then slide down into the treatment tank and continue to slide towards the front of the treatment tank. In this process, due to the physical friction, rubbing, beating and chemical effects between the airflow and the fabric, the fabric and the tube wall, the fabric and the fabric, the fabric and the grid, and the fabric and the additives, the fabric is removed during the spinning, weaving and printing process. The internal stress in the fabric causes the fabric to loosen, the fibers to squirm, and the microfibers to fluff, finally giving the fabric a good soft and loose feel. It can remove wrinkles, white stripes, sand washing marks, stains, etc. that are common in the post-finishing process.


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Author: clsrich
