Outdoor Sports garment Manufacturer Outdoor Clothing News Reasons and solutions for poor waterproofing effect on yarn

Reasons and solutions for poor waterproofing effect on yarn

A sewing thread company in Zhejiang used our additive () to waterproof yarns. The customer said that the yarn that had been dyed before was very effective when used with our treatm…

A sewing thread company in Zhejiang used our additive () to waterproof yarns. The customer said that the yarn that had been dyed before was very effective when used with our treatment, but it was difficult to penetrate when used on undyed yarn. , resulting in extremely poor waterproofing effect. In response to this problem, our technical staff patiently solved the reasons and provided solutions to the customers.

Reasons for poor waterproofing: dyed yarns are pre-treated and then dyed, and then finished, which is the waterproof treatment we are talking about here. It can be seen from this that pre-treatment is the main step in dyeing and finishing. A crucial process, pre-treatment is the process of purifying the yarn. The yarn contains a large number of impurities, such as: cottonseed hulls, ash, wax, pectin and nitrogen-containing substances; these impurities will affect dyeing. And post-finishing processing has a great impact. There is a saying in the dyeing and finishing industry: the success of pre-treatment has made the dyeing and finishing process half successful. It can be seen that this is the reason why the yarn is not well waterproofed.

Solution: First do a washing process to remove impurities on the surface of the yarn; and adjust the PH value of the cloth surface.

Extended reading: https://www.tpu- ptfe.com/post/7737.html
Extended reading: https:/ /www.yingjietex.com/product/DOBBY-PONGEE-Breathable-Fabric.html
Extended reading:https://www.yingjietex.com/product/1600D-GRID-OXFORD-Fabric.html
Extended reading:https://www.tpu-ptfe.com/post/7729.html
Extended reading:https://www.china-fire-retardant.com/post/9410.htm

Author: clsrich
