Outdoor Sports garment Manufacturer Outdoor Clothing News What colors are suitable for different seasons (understand the color matching of four seasons)

What colors are suitable for different seasons (understand the color matching of four seasons)

Color matching plays a very important role in clothing, and the colors suitable for different seasons are also different. The following is an introduction to color combinations for…

Color matching plays a very important role in clothing, and the colors suitable for different seasons are also different. The following is an introduction to color combinations for four seasons to help you choose the right colors in different seasons.


Spring is the season of revival, and it is suitable to choose bright, fresh and soft colors. The following colors are suitable for spring wear:

– Pink: Pink represents romance and femininity, which is very suitable for the spring atmosphere.

– Light blue: Light blue gives a refreshing and peaceful feeling, creating a harmonious contrast with the spring sunshine and greenery.

– Light green: Light green represents new life and vitality, which can well echo the breath of spring.


Summer is the hot season, and it is suitable to choose cool, bright and vivid colors. The following colors are suitable for summer wear:

– White: White is the most classic summer color, it can reflect sunlight and bring a cool feeling.

– Bright yellow: Bright yellow can give people a sense of vitality and summer, which is very suitable for the summer atmosphere.

– Blue: Blue can give people a refreshing and cool feeling and is one of the iconic colors of summer.


Autumn is the season of harvest and maturity, and it is suitable to choose steady, deep and natural colors. The following colors are perfect for fall wear:

-Orange: Orange represents warmth and harvest, perfect for the fall atmosphere.

-Crimson: Crimson can give people a low-key and elegant feeling, and can echo the color of autumn leaves well.

– Brown: Brown represents stability and calmness, which is very suitable for the autumn atmosphere.


Winter is the cold season, suitable for choosing calm, snow-white and advanced colors. The following colors are suitable for winter wear:

– Gray: Gray is one of the most common colors in winter. It can not only give people a calm and low-key feeling, but also show a sense of luxury.

– Pure white: Pure white is the representative color of winter, which can give people a feeling of purity and coldness.

– Dark blue: Dark blue can give people a sense of calmness and nobility, which is very suitable for the winter atmosphere.

In addition to the characteristic colors of the four seasons, there are also some classic colors that are suitable for the whole year. Black and white are timeless classic colors that can be found in any season. In addition, neutral colors such as gray, beige and khaki are suitable for all seasons.

In short, different seasons are suitable for choosing different colors. Spring is suitable for bright and fresh colors, summer is suitable for bright and bright colors, autumn is suitable for steady and deep colors, and winter is suitable for calm and advanced colors. According to the characteristics of the season and personal preferences, rational use of color combinations can show the charm of fashion and personality.

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Author: clsrich
