Outdoor Sports garment Manufacturer Outdoor Clothing News Why smart clothing is the future of wearables

Why smart clothing is the future of wearables

虽然可穿戴产业里没人愿意承认,但手腕可能并不是放置传感器或进行运动追踪的佳位置。如果想要做到真正的“可穿戴”,那么硬件厂商需要把目光头像我们每天会穿的衣服身上。而想要让可穿戴设备变得真正实用,我们还需要思考出记步之外的功能,让它们有能力提供可改善身体健康的建议。 ​</p Forget wristbands, make more smart cloth…



Forget wristbands, make more smart clothes</p


  尽管智能服装的概念在几年前就已出现,但我们直到近才开始看到相关产品的出现� Well-known manufacturers including Samsung, Google, OMsignal, HexoSkin and UnderArmour have begun to think about ways to make smart clothing. However, since most wearable devices are mainly focused on fitness functions, these smart clothing currently follow the same idea, and Ability to provide fairly accurate fitness data tracking and detailed exercise analysis �所幸的是,许多厂商都开始把目标受众扩大到健身爱好者之外,他们所开发的智能服装可能就会成为可穿戴技术的未来� �</p





Endless variations of smart clothing</p


OMsignal has launched a number of smart sports bras in different patterns and colors, and Samsung recently demonstrated several experimental wearable devices, including a belt that knows you have gained weight, a suit with NFC buttons hidden in the chest, and a device that can track your golf swing. Action golf shirts and smart sportswear �它们都是非常棒的可穿戴设备,因为它们看上去并不像科技产品,而不是因为它们和普通的运动追踪器采用了相同的技术� �</p



  NobleBiomaterials拥有一种名叫CircuiteX的技术,可在智能服装当中制作出导电部件� The threads used in these smart clothes “can finally realize the detection, transmission and protection of electronic signals,” explained Bennett Fisher, the company’s general manager. “As long as the sensor is put into the clothes, what you wear becomes a sensor.” </p

  芬兰公司Clothings正在开发运动和医疗领域开发一种类似的集成技术� “People are increasingly interested in understanding their bodies and making choices based on data,” said Clothing co-founder Mikko Malmivaara. “Clothings has identified the clothes we wear as the best way for any device or data system to connect to the human body.”</p


  智能服装所拥有的可能性是无限的。它们有能力把可穿戴设备带出运动追踪的固有模式,并真正进入主流。可穿戴设备如果想要真正To thrive, you have to be fashionable enough to look like ordinary clothes and accessories, while also having more functions than just keeping track of your steps.

Extended reading: https://www.yingjietex.com/product/Soft-Shell -Lamination-fabric.html
Extended reading:https://www.brandfabric.net/full- dull-nylon-dobby-2-5-layer-with-silver-coated-fabric/
Further reading:https://www.tpu-ptfe.com/post/9298.html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-81-770.html
Extended reading:https://www.china-fire-retardant.com/post/9377.ht

Author: clsrich
