Outdoor Sports garment Manufacturer Outdoor Clothing News Smart wearable devices measure heartbeats and can be connected to monitoring doctors at any time

Smart wearable devices measure heartbeats and can be connected to monitoring doctors at any time

苹果iwatch智能手表、小米手环……各种可穿戴设备让人感觉时尚又新鲜,但是,很多人戴了一段时间就扔了� �其实可穿戴设备未来应该和医院结合,成为人们的生活必需品� Yesterday, at the “11th Jiangsu Science and Technology Forum” co-sponsored by the Jia…

苹果iwatch智能手表、小米手环……各种可穿戴设备让人感觉时尚又新鲜,但是,很多人戴了一段时间就扔了� �其实可穿戴设备未来应该和医院结合,成为人们的生活必需品� Yesterday, at the “11th Jiangsu Science and Technology Forum” co-sponsored by the Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology and others, Li Peigen, a professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, gave a lecture on “China’s Manufacturing Strategy and Technological Transformation”. He proposed Appeal point �</p

  李培根曾参与《中国制造2025》的起草工作� He said that China’s manufacturing goal is to join the ranks of manufacturing powers by 2025, but China is still in the late stage of “Industry 2.0”, while Germany is already in “Industry 4.0”. The so-called “Industry 4.0” is the fourth industrial revolution �</p


“Smart wearable devices not only have pedometers, but some can also monitor people’s sleep status, heartbeat and blood pressure. A survey conducted in the United States and Germany found that wearable devices are not sticky enough, and many people are over the novelty. , and just threw it aside.” Li Peigan analyzed that this was because it was not linked to the hospital. �他建议,可穿戴设备可以和医院联系起来,和相对应的监护医生联系在一起,穿戴者接收的数据,监护医生可以同时看到,如果有什么症状,监护医生还能提出建议� �</p




  “大家不要小看这个,类似的应用以后会越来越多。”李培根说,将来这种模式会被用在其他手机的更新设计上,让手机变得更私人化� �也许,你哪天在朋友圈吐槽某一款手机,写出自己心里期待的手机时,就会被某手机厂商采用,并开发出来� “This is inevitable. Users should have the final say in future mobile phone update designs.”

Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-3-663.html
Extended reading:https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-45-825.html
Extended reading: https://www.tpu-ptfe.com/post/7717.html
Extended reading:https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-82-935.html
Extended reading: https://www.yingjietex.com/product/Polyester-OXFORD-Fabric.ht

Author: clsrich
