Outdoor Sports garment Manufacturer Outdoor Clothing News Waterproof, oil-proof and anti-fouling finishing of workwear fabrics

Waterproof, oil-proof and anti-fouling finishing of workwear fabrics

关键词:工装面料,工装面料防水防油防污,无氟,C6防水防油剂,C8防水防油剂,耐水洗,功能性整理� � </p </p 首先,我们来了解一下什么是工装面料?工装面料是专门为工作者需要而特制的工作服面料。它能有效保洁、防污染、防护身体免遭机械外伤和有害化学药物、热辐射烧伤,包括防护性、耐洗涤性、防菌防霉性、耐化学药物性、耐热性等。 Workwear…

关键词:工装面料,工装面料防水防油防污,无氟,C6防水防油剂,C8防水防油剂,耐水洗,功能性整理� � </p



Workwear fabrics have three major characteristics: </p

1. Economical: The main feature of workwear fabrics is that they are economical. Many companies will equip their employees with work clothes after they join the company. Because of the number of employees, it is particularly important to choose an economical source. Workwear fabrics are made for the work clothes of various companies. The source of the existing economy �</p



下面,我们就来着重谈谈如何将餐厅的工装面料赋予防水防污的效果� �针对工装面料防水防油防污,现在越来越多的面料厂家或面料的使用终端客户都对其是否具有功能性越来越受到关注� According to a workwear fabric manufacturer in the industry, the fluorine-free and C6, C8 fluorine-based waterproof and oil-repellent agents can achieve the waterproof and anti-fouling effects required by customers (the waterproof and anti-fouling standards for restaurants are: juice, vegetable stains, red wine, etc.). That is, stains dripping on the surface of the fabric can show the effect of lotus leaves; in addition, it not only has excellent waterproof, oil-proof and anti-fouling effects, but also has different levels of water resistance. For details, please consult: Ms. Xie Fang.

Extended reading:https://www.china-fire-retardant.com/post/9654.html
Extended reading:https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-69-459.html
Extended reading: https://www.tpu-ptfe.com/post/10.html
Extended reading:https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-19-981.html
Extended reading: https://www.yingjietex.com/product/Bright-TCM-Interweave-dobby-Fabric.ht

Author: clsrich
